Friday, August 23, 2019

Teen Titans #12

Armored Up and Out!

Story by Scott Lobdell
Pencils by Brett Booth
Inks by Norm Rapmund
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Letters by Dezi Sienty
Cover by Booth, Rapmund, and Dalhouse
Assistant Editor Darren Shan
Editor Eddie Berganza

Our cover shows Wonder Girl fighting a new villain named Diesel, while Superboy and Red Robin are tied up to some pillars. Superboy is once again wearing the wrong costume, and Booth's artwork is as annoying as ever. I can't even distinguish the features on Diesel's helmet because there's so much noise from the linework and coloring.

I was tempted to place all the blame on Dalhouse, but, as you can see, even removing the colors from this image does not make Diesel's features any more clear. At the end of the day, though, it doesn't really matter, as this represents a scene from a story that Kid Flash has no involvement in.

That non-Kid Flash story details Red Robin's and Superboy's attempts to save Wonder Girl from her armor. They took her to what appears to be Alfred Pennyworth's summer cabin to train/fight in relative peace. Meanwhile, Tim has placed the other Teen Titans — Solstice, Bunker and Kid Flash — in a seedy motel just off the Jersey Turnpike, fittingly named after Lobdell. The three of them are still injured from Wonder Girl's attack — especially Bunker — and while it's not explicitly stated, reason dictates that Tim needed to have his penthouse repaired. As limitless as his funds seem to be, it would be a bit of a stretch for him to spring on a third penthouse at the top of another Lex Tower.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about the main story. Let's head to the backup.

When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth Epilogue

Fabian Nicieza – Writer
Jorge Jiménez – Artist
Brad Anderson – Colorist
Carlos M. Mangual – Letterer
Darren Shan – Assistant Editor
Wil Moss – Associate Editor
Eddie Berganza – Editor

Some time has passed since DC Presents #12, and despite Kid Flash's promise, it seems like the Teen Titans have not helped Teryx track down Steg and Dac. But Kid Flash, at least, is helping Teryx take care of the random mutated dinosaurs that Steg keeps creating. To assist them in their effort, Kid Flash "borrowed" some manacles from S.T.A.R. Labs.

Kid Flash also has been dropping the dinosaurs off at S.T.A.R. Labs, but has never stuck around to see how the scientists react to this, let alone what they actually do with the creatures. Teryx decides to move his search to New Jersey, but Steg and Dac happen to be fairly close, building an army of dinosaur humanoids in another area of the sewer.

The caption says, "Not the end ..." but I'm pretty sure this is the end. It's sad, because I really liked Teryx, but I don't think he ever reappeared in any comics. Nicieza and Jiménez had something nice going on here, but DC apparently didn't think it was nice enough to keep going.

We have a new house ad for Geoff Johns' Teen Titans run with Mike McKone. As bas as I thought that run was, I really wish I had them back instead of Lobdell and Booth. It's funny how after you think you've reached rock bottom, you discover things can always get worse.

Kid Flash is only an unconscious flashback on one panel in Teen Titans #13, so next time, we'll return to the best part of 2012, Young Justice: Invasion.

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