Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Flash #5

"Top Priority"

Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.
Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Cover by: Mike Deodato Jr. & Trish Mulvihill
Variant Covers by: Mike Deodato Jr. & Trish Mulvihill, James Stokoe, Werther Dell'Edera and Matt Taylor
Editor: Chris Rosa
Group Editor: Paul Kaminski

Our cover shows Flash wrapped up in mysterious blue tentacles, being dragged down upside down into a void of darkness, while an unraveling hand reaches up toward him. It's moody, dark and confusing — the perfect encapsulation of Spurrier's work. It's a well-done cover, I suppose. I just don't have anything to say about it. Nor will I bring up the variants, which lack Impulse, as always.

It's been quite a while since we've been here. Lots of strange things have been going on with Wally West and his family, and then we had the whole Beast World situation to deal with. Somewhere along the way, everyone seems to have forgotten that Max Mercury is in serious trouble. Well, everyone except Impulse, who has grown tired of waiting on Wally.

Wally explains to Bart that he's tried to travel back to the Dead World, where Max was last seen, but he can't seem to find it. In the meantime, he believes he has a lead through Gorilla Grodd and Mirror Master. But Impulse isn't satisfied with this, and he vows to travel to Timepoint himself. Bart believes if he reaches the speedster's sanctuary, he'll be able to find the time-traveling Gold Beetle, who may be more committed to helping her "comrades." (That was Bart's odd word choice, not mine!)

Wally asserts that finding Max is his top priority and he warns Bart that he can only get to Timepoint by dissolving into the Speed Force. This is a problem since all the latest fluctuations have led Wally to believe that Timepoint may not even exist anymore. But Bart ignores Wally and races off before he can be stopped.

And that's all we get of Impulse this issue. Luckily, I do know that issue #7 will feature a lot more Impulse. So that's where we're headed next! In the meantime, I'm just glad to get any little bit of Bart we can. And I'm especially glad to see him in character — risking everything to save his closest and dearest friend.